Ontario Landlord Problems – Bad Tenant Trashed My Rental

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Ontario Landlord Problems – Bad Tenant Trashed My Rental

#1 Unread post by Canadalandlords » May 28th, 2015, 8:57 pm


Ontario Landlord Problems – Bad Tenant Trashed My Rental Property

An Ontario landlord in Peterborough Ontario finally evicted his bad tenant and found his rental property trashed!

Ontario landlords are getting used to reading about bad tenants. These are people who rent your income property and can cause you lots of problems and become major headaches.

These bad tenants don’t pay rent on time. Or sometimes don’t pay rent at all.

They don’t respect your property and can leave trash and damages behind when they move out.

Often bad tenants will bother other tenants and even owners in neighbouring properties. This can lead to lots of complications as many new condo landlords are finding out.

Bad Tenants Are Everywhere

We read stories in the Toronto Star about ‘Tenants from Hell’ cheating one small landlord after another who doesn’t screen their tenants carefully.

Read more at: http://www.ontariolandlordcreditcheck.ca/?p=82


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